Dyneval hosted the inaugural Dynescan Day in Edinburgh on 19 June 2024. The event gathered visitors from Argentina, Paraguay, Ireland, Jersey, and the UK. Dynescan Day provides a unique opportunity for current and potential future users to share expert knowledge in bovine reproduction and deepen their understanding of how to use Dynescan to improve productivity. Distinguished speakers explained the importance of semen motility in the reproductive tract, discussed bull fertility testing, explored challenges around quality control across the supply chain, and reported the latest data correlating the Sustained Motility Lifetime with conception rates on farms.
The event was a resounding success, as evidenced by the encouraging and motivating feedback from attendees. Iain McCormick from Zoetis praised the event, saying:
“'It was one of the best CPD days I've had for a long time. Excellent speakers and great discussions. Well done to all your team and I look forward to the next Dyneval CPD day!.”
Summary of Topics Presented at Dynescan Day '24
Sperm Transport in the Female Genital Tract: When Does Motility Matter?
Prof. Sabine Koelle
University College Dublin, Ireland
Professor Sabine Koelle from University College Dublin presented exciting insights from her research on how spermatozoa travel through and interact with the female genital tract. Her research has shown that sperm remain motile within the sperm reservoir due to secretions from the oviduct. Sabine highlighted the precision offered by Dynescan sets new standards, enabling her to assess the quality of semen samples used in her research and optimize protocols using time-dependent measurements. She stressed the need for a holistic view of fertility, considering factors such as genetics, diseases, medications, and husbandry as key indicators for the viability of spermatozoa for fertilization.
Fresh Semen Analysis: Workflow and Insights from Argentina
Dr. Esteban Balla, DVM
SIBRA (Servicio Integral de Biotecnologías en Reproducción Animal), Argentina
Dr. Esteban Balla, DVM, from SIBRA (Servicio Integral de Biotecnologías en Reproducción Animal), presented a veterinarian’s view of bull fertility testing in Argentina. Esteban emphasized the need for regular testing of bull soundness and highlighted the use of Dynescan to assess fresh semen quality at the farm. The value of evaluating semen quality as a function of time was also highlighted, with case studies indicating that semen that initially appeared to be of high quality can lose motility within minutes, revealing a new, fast and convenient way to identify poor reproductive performance during bull fertility testing at the farm.
The Value of On-farm Semen Testing to Raise Dairy Conception Rates
Dave Gilbert
Horizon Dairy Vets, UK
Dave Gilbert from Horizon Dairy Vets emphasized the importance of semen analysis from farmers’ perspective. According to Dave, farmers who utilize this service aim to assess their investment in purchasing straws for artificial insemination and determine how best to manage the AI process. He uses Dynescan to analyze semen samples and feels more confident in sharing and discussing results with farmers, compared to using a microscope for visual observation of samples. Dave also highlighted the need for better education on the proper storage of semen straws, as this significantly impacts semen quality.
Sperm Transport in the Female Genital Tract: When Does Motility Matter?
David Hambrook
Jersey Island Genetics, Jersey Island
Through the Jersey Overseas Aid program, Dairy4Development, David Hambrook and his team are helping to strengthen the Rwandan dairy industry, helping smallholder farmers improve milk production. They are now using Dynescan to test semen straws to ensure the best quality for the cows, thus helping to ensure smallholders make enough money to survive. Dynescan is providing quality control through numerous challenges involved in the AI process, including the handling of samples, liquid nitrogen storage, and transportation.
Following the event, talks were available online for free until July 31, 2024. They are now part of our Dynescan users’ dedicated platform at www.community.dyneval.com and will be translated into Spanish for our South American users.
Dyneval’s Chief Executive Officer, Dr Tiffany Wood, remarks…
“This positive response affirms the value of Dynescan Day for knowledge exchange between users and Continued Professional Development. We look forward to hosting Dynescan Day events across the world for our growing global customer base.”
Become a Dynescan Distributor
Established businesses are invited to join our distribution network
Semen longevity under heat stress conditions
Dyneval reveals how heat stress affects semen quality, providing crucial insights into their impact on livestock fertility.
Inaugural Dynescan Day sets new standards
Learn about the inaugural Dynescan Day, where global experts discuss bovine reproduction, bull fertility, semen transport, and quality control in livestock production.
Subfertile rams? Multiple causes to consider!
About 20% of rams fail pre-breeding exams. Yearly exams including semen analysis can help identify common causes of poor herd performance.
Join the semen data evolution!
Have you ever thought about the quality of semen you inseminate into your herd? Independent vets have shown that conception rates are 7.8% (UK) and 10% (Argentina) higher