First Semen Lifetime Analyser​

proven to improve fertility outcomes

Dynescan Semen Quality Analyser

The Dynescan semen analyser is portable and easy-to-use providing you with reliable measurements of semen quality on fresh or processed semen.   It is the first technology capable of measuring semen quality parameters (% progressive motility and swimming speed) over time enabling you to improve fertility outcomes.

New insights,
over time...

Access to Sustained Motility Lifetime (SML) data provides you with valuable insights into whether sperm motility is likely to be sustained in the reproductive tract.

% Prog. Motility

Progressive motion is defined as that when cells are moving in a fairly straight line so that they progress across the sample.

Swimming Speed

Mean swimming speed is defined as the average (mean) swimming speed measured for all cells that are considered progressively motile.


Concentration is the number of sperm cells per millilitre of sample.

Motile cell count

Motile cell count is the number of sperm cells that are swimming per millilitre of sample. (Coming soon)

Semen QC, where it matters

Artificial insemination (AI) for livestock production brings genetic advances straight to your farm.  Just as all individuals in your herd differ, the fertility potential of every batch of semen differs and can deteriorate if mismanaged.   Gain confidence with Dynescan data collected on straws at the farm, enabling you to match male fertility potential with herd management data to optimise AI protocols for better production efficiencies.

DIN-assured by a Dynescan Semen Analyser - Holstein Friesian


Dynescan Semen Quality Analyser




Validation against a CASA (Computer Assisted Sperm Analysis) IVOS® II Sperm Analysis System from Hamilton Thorne, which has a narrower concentration range of 10-35 mill/mL.

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