Support Services

1. Overview

Dyneval Ltd. (“Dyneval”) encourages customers to take full advantage of our excellent Support Services team. Dyneval strives to make sure all our customers get the best out of the Dynescan® device and associated software and assists them in doing so in every way Dyneval’s team can.

2. Interpretation

2.1. All interpretations included in the Dyneval Software Subscription Agreement shall apply to the following policy.

2.2. “Standard Customer Support Services” means those services provided by the Dyneval Support Services team which are included within Dyneval’s standard licence, pursuant to Clause 5 of Dyneval’s Software Licence Agreement. Section 3 of this policy outlines the remit of access, type of service and nature of request that is included within these services.

3. Standard Customer Support Services

3.1. Dyneval’s Support Services can be accessed via email at or by telephone at 07594 649214 during normal business hours, 09:00-17:00, Monday – Friday. In addition, a reduced out of hours support service will be available to our customers from 17.00 – 20.00 Monday – Friday & from 10.00 to 15.00 Saturday – Sunday.

3.2. Standard Customer Support Services are provided by the Dyneval Support Services Team to its Authorised Users free of charge, limited to 30 minutes per query, anything that requires a longer consultation may be chargeable as per the Enhanced Customer Support Services detailed in Section 6.

3.3. Standard Customer Support Services are defined as support for technical issues relating to the use of the Dynescan® unit, software, and services. This can be defined as including:

  • Initial Training Demonstration (online or in person)
  • Replacement of Hardware due to faults arising from Dyneval.
  • Technical queries and advice
  • Troubleshooting
  • Processing service requests
  • Processing hardware orders

3.4. Access to our Standard Customer Support Services is restricted to reasonable and fair usage as defined in section 5 of this policy.

3.5. The Customer is responsible for any costs relating to network charges for calls to the Dyneval Support Line or mobile data usage. 

4. Customer Support Standards and response times

4.1. We will endeavour to answer all customer phone calls promptly 

4.2. We will make all reasonable efforts to resolve customers’ queries and questions during the call subject to fair usage described in section 5 of this policy. 4.3. Where possible, we will give estimated timeframes for any follow-up work required and confirm this over email 

4.4. We will agree call-backs if required 

4.5. We aim to resolve all Customer Support tickets within 24 hours. 

4.6. If we are unable to provide a full response after a maximum 2working days, we will explain why, the work being undertaken and anticipated timescales.

4.7 If the issue is due to a Hardware fault, Dyneval will endeavour to replace the unit in line with our Terms & Conditions. 

5. Fair Usage of Support Services 

5.1. Dyneval operates under a Fair Usage Policy of Inclusive Support Services to ensure that customers are receiving fair and equal quality support from our team. 

5.2. Support Services or Customer Success advice and assistance cannot be used in lieu of Dyneval practical demonstrations and instructive usage videos. Doing so prevents our Support Services Team from providing vital support to other customers. 

6. Enhanced Customer Support Services

Unless agreed otherwise between Dyneval and the Customer, the following services are considered Enhanced Customer Support Services, 

6.1. Further Training Needs

Where a customer query is identified as a further training need, the Dyneval support services team will endeavour to provide this via a video link, if this is not possible and an on-site visit is deemed necessary you will be liable for any associated costs.

  • A further training need includes, but is not limited to: • Any query which requires explanation of how to use the Dynescan or associated software beyond what can reasonably be considered a clarification, suggestion, or reminder; or
  • Any query that will require phone or online support of over 30 minutes to explain, which is not a technical fault or forms part of a wider troubleshooting query which requires the Support Services Team’s technical help or guidance is also considered a training need.
  • It is the responsibility of the Customer to ensure that all Authorised Users within their group have received adequate training prior to using the Dynescan and associated software.

6.2. Replacement of Dynescan unit due to user misuse (as detailed in the Hardware Loan Agreement).

6.3. Project management

6.4. Consultancy (e.g., further data analytics)

6.5. Contract Research (e.g., CASA)

6.6. Database amendments or deletion, (unless covered in our Software Licence Agreement)

6.7. Out-of-hours support (out with the hours detailed in section 3.1)

6.8. Any other services outside the definition of Standard Customer Support Services Please note these Enhanced Customer Support Services will incur additional costs. Please contact our Support Services Team to discuss your needs.

Last reviewed 5th February 2024

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