Dyneval joins InnovateUK project to drive livestock productivity in UK and Canada.
Dyneval is excited to be joining a project led by RAFT Solutions Ltd, funded by UK Research and Innovation’s UK-Canada: enhancing agricultural productivity and sustainability competition, overseen by the Transforming Food Production challenge. Along with other partners, Dyneval’s innovation will support improvements in fertility performance for the dairy and beef industries in the UK and Canada.
RAFT Solutions Ltd, Atelerix, Ostara Biomedical Ltd & Dyneval (UK) partnered with Bow Valley Genetics (Canada)
Good fertility performance is the cornerstone of a profitable and sustainable livestock enterprise. In the international dairy and beef herd, optimum performance is achieved by maintaining a calving interval (CI) of 365 days. Every day CI increases >365 days is estimated to directly cost the farmer close to £2.07 or $3.54 per cow, or more for high yielding dairy cows.
Fertility drives productivity, and in turn the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions, through reduced waste and optimising unproductive replacement youngstock inventories.
This project is supported by advisors at University of Saskatchewan and University of Guelph in Canada. As an integrated bilateral approach, it will:
research and develop several innovative new technologies
establish national level referral facilities for quality assurance and improvement of bovine germplasm.
The outputs of the project will transform genetic progress, through adoption of:
precision technologies
advanced breeding
big data.
This will lead to more sustainable livestock food production and export opportunities in both UK and Canada.
More information about UKRI can be found here: https://www.ukri.org/